Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meeting of the IEDC Alumni Club in Croatia

There were some good news from the alumni network – they are alive! It's not good news in itself, but taking into account the current crisis and a dismal fact that majority of former students of business schools in region don't stay in touch after graduation, the fact that Croatian Alumni Club organizes regular activities and meetings is a great thing. Unfortunately, this was the first formal occasion after graduation in 2008. that I attended, and it was good opportunity to meet some of my old colleagues and to make acquaintance with some new ones.

One of the interesting activities organized by the Croatian Club is sailing, held each year in May, on the beautiful Adriatic coast. I haven't been able to participate in the last two years, but for sure one day I will find enough free time to experience life on the boat. The second activity is Case Study competition, organized for the potential students of the school. And recently, the web page of the club has been opened.

I hope the club will continue to function successfully and of course, I will give my contribution to it. The reputation of the school is measured, among other things, by the strength of its alumni network.

See you at the next event!

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